The list of cultivars for vg1122328656 with genotype T in the All Indica population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
None CX426 Indica II None ERS804461
KALA_DIGHA IRIS_313-10973 Indica III Bangladesh ERS469776
ARC_14709 IRIS_313-11300 Indica III India ERS470090
KHIRPULI IRIS_313-11364 Indica Intermediate India ERS470158
LALDIGHA IRIS_313-11487 Indica III Bangladesh ERS468698
GENG_77-4 IRIS_313-11570 Indica Intermediate China ERS468764
DILBAKSH IRIS_313-11918 Indica III India ERS469062
MALIKULI IRIS_313-11945 Indica III Bangladesh ERS469090
BHOJON_KOLPO IRIS_313-9067 Indica III Bangladesh ERS468018
NCS964_C IRIS_313-9400 Indica Intermediate India ERS467794